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As the world moves to emphasize better Eco-Friendly lifestyles, more people are becoming conscious of their carbon footprint. However, we realized that many commuters still opt to utilize ride-share and personal vehicles despite being eco-conscious; This is largely due to 1) a lack of incentive & 2) the inconvenience associated with using public transportation.


We wanted to create a product that can encourage public transportation usage and make it a smoother process.


Project Summary 

End to End Design 

Ideation & Implementation

Stakeholder Interviews 

User Interview & Inspections


User discovery report 

Style Guide 

Lo-fi & Hi-fi Prototypes 

Presentation pitch

Skills + Tools

Customer Interviews 

Miro Board



User Inspection Guide

Solution Overview 

Key tasks users can perform:  

1. Navigate / search location 

2. View nearby public transportation on map 

3. View suggested eco-friendly public transportation 

4. Purchase tickets 

5. Load money & new cards into wallets 

6. Utilize search bar and view search history 

7. View progress towards rewards & track carbon footprint 

8. Claim rewards & incentives 

Our Design Evolution 

1. Brainstorm & Scenarios 

 The group worked together to brainstorm some ideas for how digital solutions can be implemented in bringing together cleaner cities. In brainstorming these scenarios, all of us shared stories & frustrations with various transportation systems and it was an issue that we were familiar + passionate about. 

From our experiences, we identified some of the problems that we've faced ourselves, and we were curious if these are common amongst other commuters.  

Team Phoebe (1).png

2. User Interviews & User Flow Analysis

 We wanted to validate the problem. We identified some stakeholders that would find use in a software like Phoebe, specifically speaking to those that use public transportation 2-4 days a week to learn about their routines, habits, and preferences. Through 10 semi-structured interviews, we were able to create 3 user personas to help us identify our key users. 

User Personas.jpg
User Personas (1).jpg
User Personas (2).jpg

Key Insights:

  • Commuters want to spend less n transportation but often prioritizes time instead

  • Commuters are increasingly frustrated with the slow adoption of digital tools on public transportation 

  • Many of our interviewees referenced frustrations with the navigation processes and lacking incentives to be reasons why they opt for other transportation methods

 These insights also helped us build our customer journey maps. 

 Then we worked on the user flow, starting with brainstorming key features, analyzed the difference screens & paths our users may take, and finally adding the specific actions needed to navigate.


3. Low-Fi Prototype & Feedback 

 Following the user flow, we built out the initial Low-Fi prototype to encapsulate key copoennts of the app at a high level, then gathered feedback through peer reviews to identify areas of improvement and design elements for further iterations. 

With the feedback & first usability testings, we made changes to the travel navigation pages, and significantly reorganized the rewards page to have a more minimalistic & efficient display 


4. Hi-Fi Prototype & Usability Testing 

 With the mock-ups of our Lo-Fi designs, we created a style guide and began to create a detailed and interactive prototype. After a series of usability testing, here is our final design. 

Home Page

Team Phoebe (5).png

Wallet Page

Team Phoebe (7).png

Rewards Page

Team Phoebe (13).png

Profile Page

Team Phoebe (10).png

Points of Excitement:

 1. Digital Wallet

 Commuters are frustrated with the lack of mobile transit cards & payment opportunities for public transits. 

Our design enables users to purchase & access transit tickets via mobile with ease. This greatly streamlines the process of transportation usage & aligns with modern mobile transaction trends.  

 2. Rewards System

 Commuters currently lack clear incentives to utilize the public transportation system.

Our design builds incentives with users to utilize public transportation, and to opt for eco-friendly transportations by offerings specific rewards towards future transportation use & other common goods. 


Negative Consequences + Ethical Considerations:

 1. Addresses the lack of incentives and smooth navigation for everyday commuters using public transportation 

2. Creates a dedicated ecosystem for public transporation navigation 

3. Encourages individuals to choose sustainable commuting methods 

4. In-app ride purchases and a rewards system to foster loyalty +incentive for regular public transportation use 

5. Promotes eco-friendly practices and contributes to a more sustainable urban transportation system 

 1. The collection of user data for navigation + rewards purposes my raise privacy concerns 

2. The app may inadvertently contribute to digital inequality if not accessible to all socioeconomic groups 

3. Some users may not be able to participate in the rewards program due to factors like disabilities or socioeconomic status 

4. An increased demand for public transportation, driven by rewards may inadvertently contribute to environment issues like overcrowding or increased emissions 

5. The rewards system may lead to unintended behaviors, such as users selecting longer routes for higher rewards 

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